Zazie Bistro

Top 1% of restaurants in Krakow

3 expert reviews

“You'll find this bistro in a corner spot on a pleasant square.”

– Michelin Guide

Fodor's Fodor's
"Zazie has what all restaurants should have: a simple committment to serve consistently good meals." Full review
Others choose meat and seafood dishes—mostly French classics but some with a creative twist.
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
0 Stars
"You’ll find this lively bistro in a corner spot on a pleasant square; ask for a table in the attractive cellar, with its pleasing mix of French memorabilia and brick and stone walls" Full review
You’ll find this lively bistro in a corner spot on a pleasant square; ask for a table in the attractive cellar, with its pleasing mix of French memorabilia and brick and stone walls.

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