Restaurant at Wawel Royal Castle
5 expert reviews
“My girlfriends and I were traveling through Eastern Europe during our Peace Corps stint and heard that one of the 7 Chakras was in Wawel Castle in Krakow, Poland.”
– Afar Magazine
"You’ll see plenty of magnificent old tapestries, mostly northern French and Flemish, hanging on the walls...other highlights include the so-called Hen’s Foot, Jadwiga’s gemlike chapel" Full review
"This exhibition features remnants of the late-10th-century Rotunda of SS Felix and Adauctus, reputedly the first church in Poland, as well as various archaeological finds" Full review
"A collection of 17th-century Turkish banners and weaponry, captured after the Battle of Vienna and displayed along with a variety of old Persian carpets, Chinese and Japanese ceramics, and other Asian antiques." Full review
2 Stars
"On the first floor, there is a collection of 16C-17C portraits. On the second floor, the luxurious royal apartments are hung with Flemish tapestries, as are the State apartments." Full review