Showing 105 attractions
10 reviews
Kirstenbosch Gardens is located on the former estate of Cecil John Rhodes, on the eastern slope of Table Mountain. — Michelin Guide
8 reviews
Boulders Beach is home to a colony of African penguins, and kids and adults alike delight in watching them flop and frolic on the shore. Don't get too close though—they can bite. — Travel + Leisure
7 reviews
What traveller hasn't dreamt of going to the ends of the earth? The Cape of Good Hope, located at the southwest tip of Africa in Table Mountain National Park, is designated by a plaque. — Michelin Guide
This underwater wonderland offers some of the most bizarre sea life you might ever care to meet... the I&J Predator Tank is the undisputed pièce de résistance,. — Time Out
8 reviews
This 22,000 hectare park is a natural wonder, its range of environments including granite and sandstone mountains, giant boulder strewn beaches and shady forests. — Lonely Planet
6 reviews
The wine-growing estate of Groot Constantia was originally part of a much larger domain, created in the late 17C by the governor of the Cape on land granted by the Dutch East Indies Company. — Michelin Guide
Housed in the Buitenkant Methodist Church, this museum preserves the memory of one of Cape Town's most vibrant multicultural neighborhoods. — Fodor's
Built by the Dutch between 1666 and 1679 to defend Cape Town, this stone-walled pentagonal castle remains the headquarters for the Western Cape military command. — Lonely Planet
An aviary, ponds, squirrels and astatue of Cecil John Rhodes adorn this garden located across from the National Museum. Plants from the four corners of the world are grown here. — Michelin Guide
Features a wide range of African, French, English and Flemish works of art. — Michelin Guide
6 reviews
This island off the coast of Cape Town is where Nelson Mandela spent 18 of his 27-year prison sentence. — Condé Nast Traveler
Home to not only to this imaginatively designed museum but also the the functioning and beautifully decorated Great Synagogue. — Lonely Planet
Giant granite boulders break up the four beaches at Clifton... they're almost always sheltered from the wind, they offer top sunbathing spots. — Lonely Planet
5 reviews
The rotating cable car whisked us up to the flat top of the mountain, where a small restaurant and warm visitor shop are located. — Afar Magazine
Founded in 1825, South Africa's oldest museum is showing its age. — Frommer's
The Georgian-style Koopmans-de Wet House was built in the late 18C for an aristocratic family. — Michelin Guide
This tranquil house... is set in what is now a particularly unglamorous industrial length of lower Buitenkant Street. — Time Out
These buildings have seen their fair share of action through the years. — Time Out
3 reviews
On the beaches beside this attractive village, the British won their 1806 battle for the Cape. The panoramic view it provides of Table Mountain across Table Bay is fabulous. — Lonely Planet
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