6 expert reviews
"Founded by Charlemagne in the 9th century (but heavily reworked since), Zürich's twin-towered landmark cathedral sits directly across the river from Fraumünster." Full review
"Grossmünster recently acquired destination-worthy art of its own: German artist Sigmar Polke’s beautiful, kaleidoscopic motifs featuring Old Testament figures, installed in 2009. " Full review
"This magnificent Protestant church has a beautiful interior as well as courtyards that are so enthralling that you can easily spend a couple of hours taking it all in." Full review
"This impressive cathedral is affectionately known to English speakers as the "Gross Monster." Full review
"The Great Minster church was the starting place of the Protestant Reformation in Zurich. Preacher Huldrych Zwingli initiated the movement from this austere church's pulpit." Full review
"Zurich's Grossmünster is austere, stripped of the heavy ornamentation you'll find in the cathedrals of Italy." Full review
The view from the towers is impressive.