The Africa House HotelvsProtea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins
The Africa House Hotel and Protea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins are both recommended by those who travel for a living. On balance, Protea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins is the choice of most professionals compared to The Africa House Hotel. Protea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins ranks #8 in Zanzibar with accolades from 2 reviewers including Lonely Planet, The Telegraph.
The Africa House Hotel
Shangani Street, Stone Town, Tanzania
From $98/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
Afar Magazine
"According to AFAR local expert Kerry John-Davis, those seeking local flair should head to Stone Town, on the island of Zanzibar, which was once a stop on the Arabian spice route." Full review
Lonely Planet
"A Colonial classic, the Africa House was formerly the English Club and now has 15 rooms furnished with red-and-gold Shirazi sofas, gilt-framed mirrors and swagged curtains." Full review
Protea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins
6 km south of Stone Town, P O Box 2542, Stone Town, Tanzania
From $110/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
The Telegraph
"Mbweni Ruins is a boutique hotel set within an expanse of tropical garden that runs down to a small sandy beach." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Originally the site of the UMCA mission school for the children of freed slaves, Mbweni Ruins is a tranquil establishment set in lovely, expansive botanical gardens." Full review