Golden Tulip Stonetown BoutiquevsProtea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins
Both hotels are highly recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Protea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins ranks significantly higher than Golden Tulip Stonetown Boutique. Protea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins is ranked #8 in Zanzibar with accolades from 2 reviews including Lonely Planet, The Telegraph.
Golden Tulip Stonetown Boutique
Malindi, PO Box 271, Stone Town, Tanzania
From $95/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
"Compelling vistas and easy access to main attractions at an oceanfront resort on Zanzibar's west coast, with breakfast and a choice of rooms." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Rooms are spacious, although the dark wood furniture is a bit gloomy, and bathrooms spotless. There's a garden, small swimming pool and rooftop restaurant (no alcohol). " Full review
Protea Hotel Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins
6 km south of Stone Town, P O Box 2542, Stone Town, Tanzania
From $110/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
The Telegraph
"Mbweni Ruins is a boutique hotel set within an expanse of tropical garden that runs down to a small sandy beach." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Originally the site of the UMCA mission school for the children of freed slaves, Mbweni Ruins is a tranquil establishment set in lovely, expansive botanical gardens." Full review