The Pool at Hotel Biba
The pool at Hotel Biba is acknowledged by professional reviewers. Out of 6 professionals tracked on TripExpert, 3 referenced the pool, like Frommer's, DK Eyewitness and Gayot.
Hotel Biba
"Housed in a renovated Colonial-style 1940s motor lodge, Biba has been remarkably updated by de rigueur designer Barbara Hulanicki and features a sleek lobby with the hip hotel bar, and a gorgeously landscaped outdoor pool area with Asian-inspired gardens"
DK Eyewitness
by Barbara Hulanicki, the place is colorful, funky, and chic, with Asian gardens, a pool, requisite bar, and a clientele
of trendy young jet-setters"
"The outdoor pool area, with a rock garden and koi pond, was fashioned by landscape architect Donald Murakami"