Ohtel WellingtonvsU Boutique Hotel Wellington
Both properties are recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Ohtel is the choice of most writers compared to Gourmet Stay. Ohtel comes in at #2 in Wellington with recommendations from 5 sources like Travel + Leisure, Lonely Planet and The Telegraph.
Ohtel Wellington
66 Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
From $167/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Smoking Rooms
- Fitness Center
"Clad in wood and glass, the coolest, sexiest boutique hotel in New Zealand's hilly capital overlooks the inner harbor and is a short walk to most of downtown."
Lonely Planet
Top choice
"Aesthetes check in and don't want to check out at this bijou hotel on Oriental Parade." Full review
Travel + Leisure
"Wellington’s best boutique hotel." Full review
"We love its primo location, its striking individuality, and its total commitment to sustainability. I." Full review
The Telegraph
"Ohtel is a 10-room boutique hotel on the waterfront in New Zealand’s lively capital, Wellington." Full review
U Boutique Hotel Wellington
25 Frederick Street, Te Aro, Wellington, New Zealand
From $61/night
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Laundy Room
- Restaurant
- Free Parking
- Breakfast buffet
Lonely Planet
"This terrific new chocolate-coloured backstreet boutique hotel has 13 rooms over three floors, all with different configurations." Full review