
Copthorne Hotel Wellington Oriental BayvsTrek Global Backpackers

Both hotels are recommended by professionals. Overall, Copthorne Hotel Wellington Oriental Bay ranks marginally higher than Trek Global. Copthorne Hotel Wellington Oriental Bay comes in at 71 with endorsements from 1 sources including Lonely Planet.

Copthorne Hotel Wellington Oriental Bay
100 Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
From $133/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Laundy Room
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Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"A tasteful refurb has this upmarket operation on ritzy Oriental Pde looking as good as gold, from the polished reception... to the fancy bar and dining room. Handsome rooms are spread over two wings." Full review
Trek Global Backpackers
9 O'Reily Avenue, Wellington, New Zealand
From $15/night
  • Laundry Service
  • Laundy Room
  • Multilingual
  • Kitchenette
  • Baggage storage
  • Bicycle rental
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Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Multistorey, colour-coded accommodation wings are a little bit rabbit-warren, but what counts is that it's relatively quiet, the rooms are fresh, the service is good, and there are laudable extras." Full review

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