Hostel SmolnavsDom Przy Rynku Hostel
Hostel Smolna and Dom Przy Rynku Hostel are both highly recommended by expert reviewers. Overall, Dom Przy Rynku Hostel ranks marginally better than Hostel Smolna. Dom Przy Rynku Hostel ranks #36 in Warsaw with praise from 1 sources like Lonely Planet.
Hostel Smolna
ul. Smolna 30, Warsaw 00-375, Poland
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Family Friendly
- Kitchenette
Lonely Planet
"A huge hostel popular with school groups, this central option complements its basic rooms with singles and doubles that have private bathrooms." Full review
Dom Przy Rynku Hostel
Rynek Nowego Miasta 4, Warsaw, Poland
From $0/night
Lonely Planet
"Located in a quiet corner of the busy New Town, Przy Rynku is a neat, clean and friendly hostel occupying a 19th-century house." Full review