Sabaidy Guest HousevsSport Guesthouse
Both hotels are highly recommended by expert reviewers. On balance, Sabaidy Guest House ranks marginally higher than Sport Guesthouse. Sabaidy Guest House comes in at #45 in Vientiane with positive reviews from 1 sources like Rough Guide.
Sabaidy Guest House
203, Setthathilath Road, Mixay 12, Vientiane, Laos
From $13/night
Rough Guide
"This centrally located guesthouse is one of the cheapest places in town, which might explain why it’s almost constantly full."
Sport Guesthouse
Francois Ngin Road, Ban Mixay, Vientiane, Laos
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Family Friendly
Lonely Planet
"Small, bland and aged feeling but tidy budget rooms. We would have loved to see more of the eponymous theme as established in the lobby." Full review