Orchid GuesthousevsSabaidy Guest House
Both properties are recommended by expert writers. On balance, Sabaidy Guest House is preferred by most reviewers compared to Orchid Guesthouse. Sabaidy Guest House comes in at #45 in Vientiane with accolades from 1 publications such as Rough Guide.
Orchid Guesthouse
33 Fa Ngum Rd, Mixay Village, Chanthaboury, Vientiane, Laos
From $10/night
- Free Internet
- Air Conditioning
Lonely Planet
"Teetering into the sky like some lantern-festooned Jenga tower, Chinese-owned Orchid has musty rooms in need of an update, the cheapest of which are fan-cooled" Full review
Sabaidy Guest House
203, Setthathilath Road, Mixay 12, Vientiane, Laos
From $13/night
Rough Guide
"This centrally located guesthouse is one of the cheapest places in town, which might explain why it’s almost constantly full."