Mixok GuesthousevsSettha Palace Hotel
Both hotels are rated highly by travel writers. Overall, Settha Palace Hotel scores significantly better than Mixok Guesthouse. Settha Palace Hotel comes in at 93 with recommendations from 6 reviews including Fodor's, Insight Guides and Rough Guide.
Mixok Guesthouse
126 12 Setthathirath Road, City Centre, Vientiane, Laos
From $23/night
- Free Internet
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Free Parking
- Air Conditioning
Lonely Planet
"Mixok Guest House is one of the cheapest places in town, though the price is the only reason you’d stay." Full review
Rough Guide
"Backpacker hostel similar to the Mixay, with singles, doubles, triples and dorms... with shared facilities."
Lonely Planet
"Mixok Inn excels with fresh tiled floors, white walls, simple furniture, flat-screen TVs, bathrooms, and a great downstairs cafe." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Although they could use a freshen up, the rooms at Mixok Inn make for a decent, if characterless, centrally located budget base." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Although they could use a freshen up, the rooms at Mixok Inn make for a decent, if characterless, centrally located budget base" Full review
Settha Palace Hotel
6 Pang Kham Street, PO Box 1618, Vientiane, Laos
From $191/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"Rooms have high ceilings, hardwood floors, Oriental rugs, and period pieces; the executive suite has a large and comfortable sitting room as well." Full review
Insight Guides
"Magnificently restored, it is a welcome addition to Vientiane's hotel scene and certainly the most elegant place to stay in town."
DK Eyewitness
"Widely considered Vientiane’s best luxury hotel, the Settha Palace Hotel is a 1930s French Colonial building now expertly restored."
Rough Guide
"This palatial 1932 building is filled with French period furniture, but the hotel’s 29 rooms have all the mod cons, including mini-bar and safe."
Hideaway Report
"Beautifully restored family-owned 1930s French colonial mansion-hotel amid landscaped gardens, just a short stroll from the principal shopping and restaurant district." Full review
Lonely Planet
Top choice
"The Settha Palace is Vientiane’s classic colonial hotel, and is probably the best hotel in town." Full review