Sala Inpeng Bungalow(Mekong Riverside Inn)vsCity Inn Vientiane
Both hotels are recommended by professionals. Overall, Auberge Sala Inpeng is the choice of most professionals compared to City Inn Vientiane. Auberge Sala Inpeng is ranked #9 in Vientiane with praise from 3 reviewers such as Lonely Planet, Rough Guide and DK Eyewitness.
Sala Inpeng Bungalow(Mekong Riverside Inn)
063 Unit 06, Inpeng Street (Mekong Riverside Road), Ban Wat Chanh, Vientiane, Laos
From $20/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Smoking Rooms
- Free Parking
DK Eyewitness
"Situated in a quiet lane between Wat In Paeng and the Mekong, in the temple district of downtown Vientiane, this collection of teakwood bungalows is set in a glorious garden."
Rough Guide
"These traditional Lao-style bungalows... offer a chance to escape the hustle of Vientiane’s streets without moving too far from the action."
Lonely Planet
"Although the cheaper cabanas are small, they're bursting with atmosphere. Meanwhile staff are welcoming as a slice of home." Full review
City Inn Vientiane
Rue Pangkham, Vientiane, Laos
From $41/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
DK Eyewitness
"Located just off Samsenthai Road next to the Lao Plaza Hotel, the City Inn is quiet, contemporary, and offers stylishly decorated rooms with nice balconies, although the views are not great."
Rough Guide
"The best of Vientiane’s mid-range options. Expect warm smiles, floors you can see your face in, and bath-tubs big enough to ease away those postjourney aches."
Popular with the package tour crowd, so make sure you book ahead.
Lonely Planet
"As well as offering long-term apartment stays, this place is one of the smarter midrange biz-boutique hotels in town." Full review