
Asian Pavilion HotelvsSabaidy Guest House

Both properties are recommended by experts. Overall, Asian Pavilion Hotel scores significantly better than Sabaidy Guest House. Asian Pavilion Hotel comes in at #21 in Vientiane with positive reviews from 1 publications such as Frommer's.

Asian Pavilion Hotel
379 Samsenthai Road, Vientiane, Laos
From $0/night
Frommer's Frommer's
"Formerly called the Hotel Constellation, during the '60s and '70s journalists, spies, diplomats, and adventurers slept, drank, plotted, and socialized here." Full review
Sabaidy Guest House
203, Setthathilath Road, Mixay 12, Vientiane, Laos
From $13/night
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"This centrally located guesthouse is one of the cheapest places in town, which might explain why it’s almost constantly full."

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