Asian Pavilion HotelvsHaysoke Guesthouse
Both hotels are recommended by travel writers. On balance, Asian Pavilion Hotel is preferred by most professionals compared to Haysoke Guest House. Asian Pavilion Hotel scores 76 with approval from 1 sources including Frommer's.
Asian Pavilion Hotel
379 Samsenthai Road, Vientiane, Laos
From $0/night
"Formerly called the Hotel Constellation, during the '60s and '70s journalists, spies, diplomats, and adventurers slept, drank, plotted, and socialized here." Full review
Haysoke Guesthouse
83/1-2 Heng Boun Road, Ban Haysoke, Vientiane, Laos
From $7/night
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Free Parking
- Dry Cleaning
- Ironing service
"Right near the central Nam Phu fountain and with a rather grand facade, the Haysoke ranges from modest budget accommodations to muted, midrange semiluxury." Full review