State Hall of the Austrian National Library
6 expert reviews
"Some of the books in the Palais Mollard-Clary date back to the 14th century. You can see feel and breath the history in here." Full review
"With thousands of books dating back to the 16th century, this stately library is an ode to the written word, world exploration (check out the early globes), and an imperial love for knowledge." Full review
1 Star
"Founded in the 18C by Emperor Karl VI at the height of the Baroque period, the National Library contains several million works." Full review
"The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire. " Full review
"One of the grandest Baroque libraries in the world, a cathedral of books, the centerpiece of the Osterreische Nationalbibliothek is the spectacular Prunksaal—the Grand Hall—which probably contains more book treasures than any comparable collection outside the Vatican" Full review
"With its manuscripts, rare autographs, globes, maps, and other historic memorabilia, this is among the finest libraries in the world." Full review