St. Stephen's Cathedral
9 expert reviews
“Commissioned in 1136 by Leopold IV and Reginmar, the Bishop of Passau, this Gothic cathedral with a colorful glazed-tile mosaic roof lies at the center of Vienna.”
– Concierge
"Vienna's soaring centerpiece, this beloved cathedral enshrines the heart of the city—although when first built in the 12th century it stood outside the city walls." Full review
"A basilica built on the site of a Romanesque sanctuary, this cathedral was founded in the 12th century in what was, even in the Middle Ages, the town's center." Full review
"The great central Cathredal in Vienna." Full review
"While you can get a glimpse into the beautifully ordained baroque interior of the cathedral without handing over any euro, this is only the tip of iceberg." Full review
3 Stars
"«Steffl», its elegant spire soaring to the skies... is the monument that is most symbolic of the city Vienna." Full review
"The highlight is undoubtedly the colourful mosaic roof made from 230,000 glazed tiles, which shimmers just underneath the North Tower's viewing platform." Full review
"Visitors can tour the 14th-century catacombs in an underground labyrinth or climb one of the towers for a view of Vienna from the roof walk."
Vienna Travel Guide
August 5, 2021
"The tallest church in Austria and one of the most recognizable sights in Vienna...“the view from the top, whether by foot or by elevator, is highly recommended in good weather” "