Locanda CatullovsRelais 900
Both properties are rated very highly by reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Relais 900 is the choice of most professionals compared to Locanda Catullo. Relais 900 has a TripExpert Score of 74 with recommendations from 1 reviews including The Telegraph.
Locanda Catullo
Via Catullo 1, Verona
From $0/night
"It's a three-floor hike to this homey pensione-like place that has been run by the affable Pollini family for more than 30 years...It's centrally located and the rooms are spacious and clean." Full review
Relais 900
Via Lan Leonardo 5, 37128 Verona
From $83/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Free Parking
- Multilingual
- Air Conditioning
- Breakfast included
The Telegraph
"A terracotta Art Nouveau villa on the slopes of a hill at the edge of Verona." Full review