Casa San ZenovsMazzanti
Both properties are recommended by professionals. On balance, Casa San Zeno ranks marginally better than Mazzanti. Casa San Zeno has a TripExpert Score of 71 with endorsements from 1 reviewers such as Lonely Planet.
Casa San Zeno
via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 50, 37138 Verona, Italy
From $29/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
- Free Parking
- Kitchenette
Via Mazzanti, 6, 37121 Verona
From $123/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Multilingual
"Classic townhouse close to Juliet's balcony in Verona's historic quarter with exposed stone walls and views of the Case Mazzanti." Full review