Casa ColonialevsHotel Bologna
Both Hotel Bologna and Casa Coloniale are recommended by reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, Hotel Bologna is the choice of most professionals compared to Casa Coloniale. Hotel Bologna comes in at #9 in Verona with endorsements from 2 sources such as Lonely Planet, Oyster.
Casa Coloniale
Via Cairoli 6, 37121 Verona
From $39/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Air Conditioning
- Baggage storage
- Refrigerator
Lonely Planet
"Snag a prime berth off Piazza Erbe in this hip new B&B." Full review
Rough Guide
"In an excellent centro storico location, this B&B has three attractive rooms, decorated in zingy modern stripes; room no. 3 on the top floor is the nicest, with its whitewashed beams."
Hotel Bologna
Piazzetta Scalette Rubiani 3, Via Mario 18, 37121 Verona
From $108/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
Lonely Planet
"A good three-star very close to Piazza Brà, this places has comfortable if slightly anodyne rooms. The huge restaurant offers a generous buffet breakfast." Full review
"The 32-room Hotel Bologna is a charming three-pearl property with an unbeatable location next to Piazza Bra and a short walk from the Arena di Verona." Full review