
Locanda CatullovsB&B Corte delle Pigne

Both Locanda Catullo and B&B Corte delle Pigne are highly recommended by expert reviewers. On balance, B&B Corte delle Pigne is preferred by most professionals compared to Locanda Catullo. B&B Corte delle Pigne scores 74 with approval from 1 publications such as Lonely Planet.

Locanda Catullo
Via Catullo 1, Verona
From $0/night
Frommer's Frommer's
"It's a three-floor hike to this homey pensione-like place that has been run by the affable Pollini family for more than 30 years...It's centrally located and the rooms are spacious and clean." Full review
B&B Corte delle Pigne
Via Pigna 6/A, 37121 Verona
From $0/night
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Free Breakfast
  • Laundry Service
  • Air Conditioning
  • Breakfast included
show all amenities
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"In the heart of the historic centre, this three-room B&B is set around a quiet internal courtyard." Full review

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