Il Relais della LocandavsB&B Corte delle Pigne
Il Relais della Locanda and B&B Corte delle Pigne are both rated highly by professional travelers. On balance, Il Relais della Locanda ranks marginally higher than B&B Corte delle Pigne. Il Relais della Locanda has a TripExpert Score of 74 with endorsements from 1 sources such as The Telegraph.
Il Relais della Locanda
corso Castelvecchio 23, Verona
From $219/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Concierge
- Family Friendly
- Air Conditioning
- Minibar
The Telegraph
"A place full of character above its own excellent Veronese restaurant." Full review
B&B Corte delle Pigne
Via Pigna 6/A, 37121 Verona
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Air Conditioning
- Breakfast included
Lonely Planet
"In the heart of the historic centre, this three-room B&B is set around a quiet internal courtyard." Full review