Hotel ConqueridorvsNH Valencia Center
Hotel Conqueridor and NH Valencia Center are both rated highly by professional travelers. Overall, NH Valencia Center is preferred by most writers compared to Hotel Conqueridor. NH Valencia Center has a TripExpert Score of 73 with recommendations from 2 reviewers including Michelin Guide, Oyster.
Hotel Conqueridor
Cervantes 9 - 11, 46007 Valencia
From $75/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
"Hotel Conqueridor is an upper-middle-range property with decor and services that are a step up from the more basic chain hotels in the same price range." Full review
NH Valencia Center
Ricardo Mico 1, 46009 Valencia
From $56/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
Michelin Guide
"Menu: 22€- 50€ - Carte: 24€-39€"
"Its 192 rooms show a design flair, with sharp-edged, dark-wood furniture and pale walls. They include minibars, safes, and free Wi-Fi." Full review