Torres de Serranos

Top 2% of attractions in Valencia

3 expert reviews

“After dark, this medieval edifice looks more like a king's fortress than a city gate. Built in the 14th century by Pere Balaguer, the gate's interior shows off the building's beautiful bone structure.”

– Afar Magazine

Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"The Torres de Serranos, dating from the late 14C, guarded one of the many gates to the city, and provide a fine example of medieval military architecture." Full review
The rooms on the city side all give onto loggia, designed in such a way to avoid the enemy being able to seize them.
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Once the main exit to Barcelona and the north, the imposing 14th-century Torres de Serranos overlooks the former bed of the Río Turia." Full review

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