Villa SassivsLa Reale
Both hotels are recommended by professionals. Overall, Villa Sassi is the choice of most professionals compared to La Reale. Villa Sassi is ranked #21 in Turin with positive reviews from 1 reviewers like Frommer's.
Villa Sassi
Strada al Traforo di Pino, 47, 10132 Turin
From $0/night
- Room Service
- Restaurant
- Family Friendly
"This early-17th-century villa is set in its own 20-hectare (49-acre) park east of town near the Basilica di Superga." Full review
La Reale
Via Trento 13, 10078 Venaria Reale, Italy
From $66/night
- Family Friendly
- Kitchenette
"Spacious rooms in a 19th-century building on Asti's main square are eclectically decorated, with a mix of contemporary and period furniture." Full review