
Hotel MobledorvsPiazza Vittorio Suites

Both properties are recommended by reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Piazza Vittorio Suites ranks marginally higher than Hotel Mobledor. Piazza Vittorio Suites has a TripExpert Score of 74 with praise from 1 reviews such as The Telegraph.

Hotel Mobledor
Via Accademia Albertina,1, 10123 Turin
From $0/night
  • Family Friendly
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Frommer's Frommer's
"Located just steps from the Mole and close to both major train stations, the Mobledor is one of those quiet, unassuming places that puts the "star" in one-star hotels." Full review
Piazza Vittorio Suites
Piazza Vittorio Veneto 13, 10125 Turin, Italy
From $63/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Family Friendly
  • Kitchenette
  • Air Conditioning
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The Telegraph The Telegraph
"Ideal for families and self-caterers, Piazza Vittorio Suites is located in the heart of Turin, a short walk away from the city’s major sights." Full review

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