Hotel MobledorvsHotel Sara
Both properties are endorsed by professionals. On balance, Hotel Sara is preferred by most reviewers compared to Hotel Mobledor. Hotel Sara has a TripExpert Score of 74 with positive reviews from 1 sources like Frommer's.
Hotel Mobledor
Via Accademia Albertina,1, 10123 Turin
From $0/night
- Family Friendly
"Located just steps from the Mole and close to both major train stations, the Mobledor is one of those quiet, unassuming places that puts the "star" in one-star hotels." Full review
Hotel Sara
Via Galliari 12, 10125 Turin, Italy
From $85/night
- Free Internet
- Family Friendly
- Minibar
"The neighborhood between the Porta Nuova railway station and Parco del Valentino is pleasant and residential, and this pensione occupies the sixth floor of an apartment house on a quiet street." Full review