Best Western Hotel CrimeavsHotel Sara
BEST WESTERN Hotel Crimea and Hotel Sara are both recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Hotel Sara ranks slightly better than BEST WESTERN Hotel Crimea. Hotel Sara has a TripExpert Score of 74 with praise from 1 sources including Frommer's.
Best Western Hotel Crimea
Via Mentana 3, I-10133 Turin
From $67/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
Michelin Guide
"Pleasantly discreet and simply elegant interiors in a hotel in a quiet position in a residential area in the foothills; recently refurbished comfortable bedrooms."
Hotel Sara
Via Galliari 12, 10125 Turin, Italy
From $85/night
- Free Internet
- Family Friendly
- Minibar
"The neighborhood between the Porta Nuova railway station and Parco del Valentino is pleasant and residential, and this pensione occupies the sixth floor of an apartment house on a quiet street." Full review