Aprile B&BvsHotel Due Mondi
Both properties are recommended by experts. On balance, Hotel Due Mondi is the choice of most professionals compared to Aprile B&B. Hotel Due Mondi is ranked #15 in Turin with endorsements from 2 publications like Lonely Planet, Frommer's.
Aprile B&B
Via delle Orfane 19, 10100 Turin
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Kitchenette
- Air Conditioning
- Breakfast included
"This charming B&B has just six rooms, all up in the attic of a historic 18th century Torinese house." Full review
Hotel Due Mondi
Via Saluzzo 3, 10125 Turin
From $49/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Air Conditioning
"This is a modern hotel 2 blocks east of the train station, with comfortable beds and modern units." Full review
Lonely Planet
"A close-to-the-station bargain, the Due Mondi equips its small rooms with bright laminate floors, comfortable furnishings and ingenious shower-sauna cubicles." Full review