Palazzo Madama
5 expert reviews
“The other completed sections were the grandiose entrance and the sumptuous staircase. The palace is home to the Museo Civico di Arte Antica.”
– Michelin Guide
"Houses the Museo Civico d'Arte Antica, whose collections comprise more than 30,000 items dating from the Middle Ages to the Baroque era." Full review
"Massive structure incorporates a medieval of Italy's largest collections of ceramics is here, as well as some stunning canvases, including Antonello da Messina's Portrait of a Man." Full review
"Contains four floors of mostly decorative arts from medieval to the post-unification period, along with temporary exhibitions of contemporary art." Full review
2 Stars
"Tracing the history of art from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, the museum has around 70 000 objects (pictures, sculpture, ceramics, goldware etc)." Full review