Hotel Residence L'Albero NascostovsHotel Le Corderie
Both Hotel Residence L'Albero Nascosto and Hotel Le Corderie are highly recommended by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Hotel Residence L'Albero Nascosto is preferred by most professionals compared to Hotel Le Corderie. Hotel Residence L'Albero Nascosto has a TripExpert Score of 88 with recommendations from 3 sources like The Telegraph, Lonely Planet and Fodor's.
Hotel Residence L'Albero Nascosto
via felice venezian 18, 34124 Trieste
From $81/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Multilingual
Lonely Planet
"A friendly little hotel hidden smack in the middle of the old town, Nascosto exemplifies Trieste's discreet, no-fuss style." Full review
The Telegraph
"L'Albero Nascosto is an outstanding little family-run hotel in the centre of Trieste, in a beautifully renovated old building overflowing with art and antiques." Full review
"Rooms on a busy, narrow street in the historic center contain paintings by local artists and antique furniture, and most have kitchenettes." Full review
Hotel Le Corderie
Via Di Calvola, 43, Trieste
From $64/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
Travel + Leisure
"The 15 modern and airy rooms overlook a quiet street on the outskirts of the historic center." Full review
Check out the hotel’s vast collection of Trieste-themed novels, including works by native writer Paolo Rumiz.