Hotel Duchi Vis a VisvsForvm boutique Hotel
Hotel Duchi Vis a Vis and Forvm Boutique Hotel are both highly recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Hotel Duchi Vis a Vis ranks significantly higher than Forvm Boutique Hotel. Hotel Duchi Vis a Vis comes in at #5 in Trieste with positive reviews from 2 publications like Fodor's, Lonely Planet.
Hotel Duchi Vis a Vis
Piazza dello Squero Vecchio, 1, 34014 Trieste
From $97/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
Lonely Planet
"Vis a Vis is the Duchi's slickly modern offshoot, with small-ish but luxurious, all mod-con rooms." Full review
"Each of these rooms on the spacious Piazza Unità d'Italia is beautifully furnished in Venetian-Renaissance style, with dark-wood antiques, rich carpets, and plush fabrics." Full review
Forvm boutique Hotel
Via Valdirivo 30, 34132 Trieste, Italy
From $59/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Air Conditioning
- Minibar
- Accessible
Lonely Planet
"Occupying an upper floor of a non-descript 19th-century office building, the hushed, dramatically lit lounge of this small hotel immediately soothe the weary traveller." Full review