Hotel La VillevsBoutique Hotel Corona
Both properties are rated highly by reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Boutique Hotel Corona ranks marginally higher than Hotel La Ville. Boutique Hotel Corona is ranked #8 in The Hague with recommendations from 2 sources including Rough Guide, Lonely Planet.
Hotel La Ville
Veenkade 5-6, The Hague 2513 EE , The Netherlands
From $37/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
Lonely Planet
"The 21 rooms here are the best deal close to the centre. The decor is a minimalist white, grey and maroon; some rooms share bathrooms." Full review
Boutique Hotel Corona
Buitenhof 39-42, The Hague 2513 AH, The Netherlands
From $58/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
Rough Guide
"In a great location just across the street from the Binnenhof, this smart chain hotel has large and extremely comfortable double rooms... Weekend discounts and special deals are often available."
Lonely Planet
"In a bullseye location by the Binnenhof, 1km southwest of Centraal Station, this well-run property occupies three 17th-century, recently renovated townhouses." Full review