The Crossroads InnvsWine Country Inn
Chantilly Lace Country Inn and Motel 6 Fredericksburg are both highly recommended by professional reviewers. Overall, Chantilly Lace Country Inn scores marginally better than Motel 6 Fredericksburg. Chantilly Lace Country Inn ranks #29 in Texas Hill Country with positive reviews from 1 reviews such as Lonely Planet.
The Crossroads Inn
625 Nugent Avenue, Johnson City, TX 78636
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Free Parking
- Breakfast included
- Flatscreen TV
Lonely Planet
"The Chantilly Lace Country Inn offers Texas-style rooms that aren't as lacy and countrified as its name would imply. They also make and sell goat's milk soap." Full review
Wine Country Inn
705 S Washington Street, IH-10 Exit 508 (Hwy 16), Fredericksburg, TX 78624
From $55/night
- Pet Friendly
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Smoking Rooms
- Pool
Afar Magazine
"Yes, Texas! Kick up those boots and soak up the live music, the BBQ, the Premiere hotels and those glorious stretches of cycling roads that only the Texas Hill Country can offer." Full review