TabinoyavsMercure Tallinn
Both Tabinoya and Ulemiste Hotel are recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Tabinoya is the choice of most professionals compared to Ulemiste Hotel. Tabinoya is ranked #21 in Tallinn with approval from 1 publications including Lonely Planet.
Nunne1-1, Tallinn 10133, Estonia
From $14/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Kitchenette
- Breakfast included
Lonely Planet
Top choice
"The Baltic's first Japanese-run hostel occupies the two top floors of a charming old building, with dorms and a communal lounge at the top, and spacious private rooms, a kitchen and a sauna below." Full review
Mercure Tallinn
2 Lennujaama Street, Tallinn 11101, Estonia
From $63/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Laundy Room
DK Eyewitness
"An ultra-modern hotel next to the airport, Ülemiste is a great option for overnight and short-stay guests. There is
a good range of rooms, as well as a fitness centre, two saunas and a..."
Lonely Planet
"A joyful fountain adorns the front of this concrete and dark-glass megastructure within walking distance of the airport."