Rixwell Collection Savoy Boutique HotelvsTabinoya
Both hotels are endorsed by professional travelers. Overall, Savoy Boutique Hotel is preferred by most professionals compared to Tabinoya. Savoy Boutique Hotel has a TripExpert Score of 79 with endorsements from 3 sources including The Telegraph, Lonely Planet and Frommer's.
Rixwell Collection Savoy Boutique Hotel
Suur-Karja 17 / 19, Old Town, Tallinn 10148, Estonia
From $64/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
"The Savoy Boutique's charm is all in the details." Full review
The Telegraph
"The Savoy Boutique Hotel is a beautiful place to stay in Tallinn’s wonderful old town centre." Full review
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Soft cream and caramel tones make these rooms an oasis of double-glazed calm off one of the Old Town’s busy intersections (request a room on a higher floor for the rooftop views)." Full review
Nunne1-1, Tallinn 10133, Estonia
From $14/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Kitchenette
- Breakfast included
Lonely Planet
Top choice
"The Baltic's first Japanese-run hostel occupies the two top floors of a charming old building, with dorms and a communal lounge at the top, and spacious private rooms, a kitchen and a sauna below." Full review