Tradition HotelvsPoint of Lux on Nevsky
Both Point of Lux on Nevsky and Tradition Hotel are rated very highly by reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, Tradition Hotel ranks marginally better than Point of Lux on Nevsky. Tradition Hotel comes in at #28 in St. Petersburg with approval from 2 publications such as Lonely Planet, Fodor's.
Tradition Hotel
2 Dobrolubova pr., St. Petersburg 197198, Russia
From $33/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
- Free Parking
"Stylish rooms resemble those in a 19th-century mansion, have large bathrooms, are equipped with tea kettles and many other nice touches." Full review
Lonely Planet
"This charming small hotel is a consistent traveller favourite due to its smiling, helpful staff who really go out of their way for guests." Full review
Point of Lux on Nevsky
Nevsky Prospekt Area, St. Petersburg 198097, Russia
From $0/night
"This company has several mini-hotels including three along Nevsky, offering modern hotel rooms and fully furnished apartments that are a big hit with American and European travelers." Full review