Trezzini Art HotelvsPoint of Lux on Nevsky
Both hotels are highly recommended by professional travelers. Overall, Art-hotel Trezzini is preferred by most writers compared to Point of Lux on Nevsky. Art-hotel Trezzini ranks #38 in St. Petersburg with positive reviews from 2 sources including Lonely Planet, Frommer's.
Trezzini Art Hotel
Bolshoy prospekt, Vasilyevsky Island, 21, St. Petersburg 199004, Russia
From $38/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Smoking Rooms
"If you like small hotels, then this is a good choice." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Decor issues aside, Trezzini is well located, clean and good value." Full review
Point of Lux on Nevsky
Nevsky Prospekt Area, St. Petersburg 198097, Russia
From $0/night
"This company has several mini-hotels including three along Nevsky, offering modern hotel rooms and fully furnished apartments that are a big hit with American and European travelers." Full review