Design Hostel Goli&BosivsSunny Split
Both Design Hostel Goli&Bosi and Sunny Split are recommended by travel writers. On balance, Design Hostel Goli&Bosi is preferred by most professionals compared to Sunny Split. Design Hostel Goli&Bosi comes in at #10 in Split with positive reviews from 3 sources like Lonely Planet, Time Out and Oyster.
Design Hostel Goli&Bosi
Morpurgova Poljana 2, Split 21000 , Croatia
From $69/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"The premier destination for flashpackers, with its sleek futuristic decor, hip vibe and a cool lobby cafe-bar-restaurant." Full review
Time Out
"Slick, shiny, clean and good value‚ although it’s very, very yellow." Full review
"Caters to young tourists looking to save a few bucks in the heart of town." Full review
Sunny Split
Slaviceva 32, Split 21000, Croatia
From $34/night
- Free Internet
- Restaurant
- Family Friendly
- Free Parking
- Kitchenette
- Air Conditioning
Rough Guide
"There are plenty of private rooms (250Kn–350Kn)."
Afar Magazine
"If there was one city that reflects how many times Croatia has been invaded, conquered, pillaged and annexed, it would be Split." Full review