Hotel MignonvsIl Nido Hotel Sorrento
Both Hotel Mignon and Il Nido Hotel Sorrento are highly recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Hotel Mignon is the choice of most professionals compared to Il Nido Hotel Sorrento. Hotel Mignon is ranked #21 in Sorrento with recommendations from 3 sources including DK Eyewitness, Rough Guide and Lonely Planet.
Hotel Mignon
Via Sersale 9, 80067 Sorrento
From $63/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Concierge
- Smoking Rooms
- Multilingual
DK Eyewitness
"fashioned furniture, tiled floors, and chic bathrooms. Breakfast is served in the bedrooms; some of these have French windows and little balconies. Limited hotel parking."
Rough Guide
"A really nice and well-located two-star with 24 very well appointed rooms, all with satellite TV, a/c and free internet access."
Il Nido Hotel Sorrento
Via Nastro Verde 62, 80067 Sorrento
From $66/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
"Il Nido Hotel is a mid-range, family-run property perched in the hills above Sorrento, about a 10- to 15-minute drive from the town center." Full review