Jongmyo Shrine
7 expert reviews
“This was my favorite of the historic sites in Seoul.”
– Afar Magazine
"Another of Seoul's UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites, Jongmyo is the royal shrine of the Joseon kings and queens." Full review
Top Choice
"The impressive buildings... house the spirit tablets of the Joseon kings and queens and some of their most loyal government officials." Full review
2 Stars
"Like many buildings dating from the Joseon Dynasty, the Jongmyo sanctuary was rebuilt in the early 17C on the ashes of the original edifice destroyed by Japanese invasions." Full review
"It is both an immortal work of architecture—in which form and content are fused as one—and an eternal hometown that gratifies the instinctive desire to return from whence we came. " Full review
"The supreme shrine of the state. " Full review
"The annual ceremony held in honor of the dead monarchs is considered the oldest complete ceremony in the world. It is usually performed here on the first Sunday of May." Full review