Transamerica Executive CongonhasvsOkupe Hostel Jardins
Both hotels are highly recommended by reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Okupe Hostel Jardins ranks marginally higher than Transamerica Executive Congonhas. Okupe Hostel Jardins is ranked #36 in Sao Paulo with positive reviews from 1 reviews such as Frommer's.
Transamerica Executive Congonhas
Rua Vieira de Moraes, 1960, Aeroporto, Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo 04617-007
From $35/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Fitness Center
"Located a 10-minute walk and five-minute drive from the Congonhas-Sao Paulo Airport, the mid-range Transamerica Executive Congonhas is a standard business hotel." Full review
Okupe Hostel Jardins
Av Reboucas, 990, Jardim Paulista, Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo 05402-000
From $0/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Business Center
"To see São Paulo on a shoestring budget and mingle with other travelers, consider staying at a hostel on the edge of Jardins." Full review