Casa Mia Suites ApartmentsvsCasa 1810 Centro Hotel Boutique
Both hotels are recommended by professionals. Overall, Casa 1810 Hotel Boutique ranks significantly higher than Casa Mia Suites Apartments. Casa 1810 Hotel Boutique has a TripExpert Score of 76 with endorsements from 1 publications such as Oyster.
Casa Mia Suites Apartments
Correo No. 61 Int 1 Col. Centro CP, San Miguel de Allende 37700
From $57/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
- Free Parking
Lonely Planet
"Its tasteful plant-filled courtyard is lined with 13 uniquely decorated apartments, all featuring comfortable hotel-style bedrooms, cable TV, living areas and kitchens." Full review
Casa 1810 Centro Hotel Boutique
Hidalgo 8 | Centro, San Miguel de Allende 37700, Mexico
From $220/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"This four-pearl, 14-room boutique hotel is set in the heart of downtown San Miguel de Allende, and most attractions are within easy walking distance." Full review
Travel + Leisure
"This luxury hotel is just a block away from San Miguel's central, you'll bed down in a centuries-old casona with colonial-era Spanish Baroque details, along with Mexican-made mosaics."
San Miguel de Allende Travel Guide
January 7, 2022
Don't miss the rooftop restaurant, with 360-view of downtown, and dishes like short rib braised in local beer and risotto topped with pear and serrano ham.