
Hotel Valencia Santana RowvsCardinal Hotel

Both Hotel Valencia - Santana Row and Cardinal Hotel are recommended by those who travel for a living. On balance, Hotel Valencia - Santana Row is the choice of most professionals compared to Cardinal Hotel. Hotel Valencia - Santana Row scores 85 with recommendations from 6 sources like Travel + Leisure, Michelin Guide and Condé Nast Traveler.

Hotel Valencia Santana Row
355 Santana Row, San Jose, CA 95128
From $135/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Hot Tub
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Free Breakfast
  • Laundry Service
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Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
"San Jose's Santana Row is like a little slice of leisure in the heart of Silicon Valley."
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
"This Spanish-inspired hotel, built around a large courtyard filled with blooming bougainvillea, takes full advantage of its stellar city and mountain views." Full review
Star Service Star Service
"While the bold eclectic design might not be to everyone’s taste, the location couldn’t be better, especially during the weekends. " Full review
Forbes Travel Guide Forbes Travel Guide
"Hotel Valencia offers attractively manicured outdoor spaces designed for lingering, including a  courtyard with three water fountains, two outdoor fire pits and comfortable seating." Full review
Condé Nast Traveler Condé Nast Traveler
"For a "European vacation in the middle of Silicon Valley," stay at this sleek, modern hotel in the midst of the "shopping mecca" Santana Row." Full review
Gayot Gayot
"Nestled in the heart of the Santana Row outdoor shopping area, San Jose's Hotel Valencia offers a hip vibe and Mediterranean décor."
Jetsetter Jetsetter
"Sleek San Jose boutique stay with year-round pool on Santana Row." Full review
U.S. News & World Report U.S. News & World Report
"Hotel Valencia Santana Row offers chic accommodations within walking distance of tasty restaurants and the ever-eerie Winchester Mystery House." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"In the busy confines of the Santana Row development, this fully modern hotel evokes European luxury with 211 stylish rooms that have leather chairs and marble baths." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
"With its California-colonial architecture and the clean lines of an urban boutique. Sunny, leafy courtyards and terraces abound, and the interiors are nearly as bright and airy as the outdoor spaces." Full review
Cardinal Hotel
235 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301
From $119/night
  • Free Internet
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Laundy Room
  • Restaurant
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Rough Guide Rough Guide
"Quaint hotel in the heart of downtown Palo Alto, featuring a winning combination of affordable rates and comfortable rooms, some with shared bathrooms."
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Downtown, this restored, 1924 hotel oozes historic California character with its pristine Mission-style lobby." Full review

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