Hostel El GauchovsHotel Tirol Bariloche
Both hotels are recommended by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Hostel El Gaucho is the choice of most professionals compared to Hotel Tirol Bariloche. Hostel El Gaucho ranks #7 in San Carlos de Bariloche with positive reviews from 2 sources including Lonely Planet, Rough Guide.
Hostel El Gaucho
Belgrano 209, San Carlos de Bariloche 8400, Argentina
From $19/night
- Free Internet
Lonely Planet
"An extremely laid-back little hostel featuring four-bed dorms and OK kitchen and lounge areas. It’s a short walk uphill from the center." Full review
Rough Guide
"Slightly rickety backpacker stronghold, this is a basic but essentially good option for budget travellers. Dorms... and double rooms (4) are available, as is excellent information on local excursions."
Hotel Tirol Bariloche
Libertad 175, San Carlos de Bariloche 8400, Argentina
From $49/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Free Parking
Rough Guide
"Ideally located a block from the centro cívico, this is a modern but tastefully decorated hotel. Rates include breakfast served in a dining room with stunning lake views."
Lonely Planet
"Right in the middle of town, this charming little lodge offers comfortable, spacious rooms. Those out the back have spectacular views." Full review