Hosteria KatyvsAdquintue Hosteria
Both hotels are recommended by professional reviewers. On balance, Hosteria Katy scores marginally better than Adquintue Hosteria. Hosteria Katy ranks #15 in San Carlos de Bariloche with endorsements from 1 sources including Lonely Planet.
Hosteria Katy
Av. Bustillo km 24,300, Llao Llao, San Carlos de Bariloche 8409, Argentina
From $35/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
Lonely Planet
"One of the closest hosterías to the national park, this one’s set in a charming family home."
Adquintue Hosteria
Vice. Alte O'Connor 766, San Carlos de Bariloche 8400, Argentina
From $0/night
Lonely Planet
"Spacious, if slightly plain, rooms on the edge of the busy downtown district. Good value for the location." Full review