Hotel Forum RomavsParlamento Boutique Hotel
Hotel Parlamento and Hotel Forum Roma are both rated highly by reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, Hotel Parlamento is the choice of most professionals compared to Hotel Forum Roma. Hotel Parlamento has a TripExpert Score of 76 with positive reviews from 5 sources such as DK Eyewitness, Frommer's and
Hotel Forum Roma
Via Tor de' Conti 25-30, 00184 Rome
From $90/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"Offers old-fashioned elegance and accommodations that range from tasteful to opulent." Full review
"A longtime favorite, this converted 18th-century convent has a truly unique setting on one side of the Fori Imperiali with a cinematic view of ancient Rome across the avenue." Full review
DK Eyewitness
"A former convent, with old-fashioned elegance and unbeatable views over the Forum and Trajan’s Market."
Star Service
"This place is the Holy Grail for midrange tourists who yearn for lodging with historic views and a location within easy walking distance of top attractions." Full review
For a gem, ask for #201.
"This historic hotel is housed in an 18th century building that was formerly a Franciscan monastery." Full review
"An elegant hotel near the Colosseum, with a welcome drink and breakfast served daily on the rooftop terrace." Full review
Lonely Planet
"The stately Forum offers formal elegance and stunning views." Full review
Parlamento Boutique Hotel
Via delle Convertite 5, 00187 Rome
From $120/night
- Pet Friendly
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Concierge
- Air Conditioning
Lonely Planet
"A bastion of warm, old-fashioned hospitality, the Hotel Parlamento is a classic dyed-in-the-wool Roman pension, complete with modestly furnished rooms and classic homey decor." Full review
DK Eyewitness
"The affable, elegantly dressed owner keeps a very tight ship, offering spacious, old-fashioned rooms with heavy wooden furniture and nicely appointed bathrooms."
"This three-story hotel has a four-star government rating at two-star prices." Full review
"Located in the center of Rome within a 10-minute walk of many historic sites, the Hotel Parlamento isone of the best deals in the city." Full review
The Telegraph
"You could hardly get more central than the Parlamento." Full review
"Set on the top floors of a 17th-century palazzo, this is one of the best budget deals in the area...equipped with satellite TVs, desks, wood floors, and subdued color schemes. " Full review