Basilica of San Clemente
11 expert reviews
“A rather vulgar example of the transition from Latin to the Italian vernacular. ”
– Atlas Obscura
"One of the most impressive archaeological sites in Rome, San Clemente is a historical triple-decker." Full review
Top choice
"A 12th-century basilica built over a 4th-century church, which stands over a 2nd-century pagan temple and 1st-century Roman house." Full review
"A favourite with kids for its dungeon-like underground level, this 12th-century basilica is a three-dimensional Roman time-line." Full review
"From the Colosseum, head up Via San Giovanni in Laterano to this basilica. It isn't just another Roman church -- far from it." Full review
"In 1857, the prior of the Basilica San Clemente thought there might be something underneath his 12th-century church, already renowned for its relics and striking mosaic of the Crucifixion." Full review
"A multi-layered church and archaeological site, the Basilica of San Clemente is one of the best examples of how Rome is a layer cake of history." Full review
2 Stars
"Founded in the 4C and dedicated to St Clement, this is one of Rome's earliest basilicas. Badly damaged in 1084 it was rebuilt, again on a basilical plan with three naves in the 12C." Full review
"A Nesting Doll of Churches. " Full review
"Archaeology buffs might find the Basilica di San Clemente interesting as it's a veritable nesting doll of churches. It's a second century pagan temple, underneath a fourth-century church,..." Full review
"This 12-century Norman church, full of beautiful Byzantine mosaics, hides much more. Down in its eerie grottos you’ll find frescoes and mosaic floors from its previous incarnations " Full review