Old City Boutique HotelvsMultiLux
Both hotels are highly recommended by travel writers. Overall, Old City Boutique Hotel scores slightly better than MultiLux. Old City Boutique Hotel scores 70 with recommendations from 2 reviewers such as Lonely Planet, Rough Guide.
Old City Boutique Hotel
Teatra street 10, Riga 1050, Latvia
From $39/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
Lonely Planet
"Rooms in this quaint 17th-century boutique are small but positively exquisite - especially the bathrooms... The service is somewhat inconsistent." Full review
Rough Guide
"Sensitively renovated medieval house on a cobbled Old Town street, its thirteen rooms mixing folksy furnishings with snazzy modern bathrooms."
Barona 37, Riga, Latvia
From $26/night
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Baggage storage
Lonely Planet
"Multilux isn’t brimming with character, but the spartan rooms are a good second choice if KB is full." Full review